U Football Manageru 2024 dostupna su samo tri najviša ranga francuskog nogometa. S dodatkom Francuska – niže lige, možete proširiti skroz do devetog ranga.
Ovaj dodatak kreirao je ManagerOnline.fr. Ako imate bilo kakve sugestije ili pitanja vezana za dodatak, molimo kontaktirajte autora dodatka.
Francuska – niže lige – struktura
Tier 1: Ligue 1
Tier 2: Ligue 2
Tier 3: National
Tier 4: National 2 (4 sub-divisions)
Tier 5: National 3 (11 sub-divisions)
Tier 6: Regional 1 (13 sub-divisions)
Tier 7: Regional 2 (13 sub-divisions)
Tier 8: Regional 3 (13 sub-divisions)
Tier 9: Departemental (92 sub-divisions)
Druga natjecanja
- French Cup
- Champions Trophy
- Gambardella Cup
- 13 regional cups
- National U19 and Regional U19
Download je dostupan preko ManagerOnline.fr.
How to install the add-on
- Download the file
- Make sure the .fmf file is stored in \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\editor data
- Start Football Manager and start a new career.
- When selecting your database files, make sure the editor file is ticked
- Continue to Advanced Settings
- Once you have selected your Nations & Leagues you can start your game.
Graphics (logos, facepacks, kits) are not included in the add-on. You can download them separately.