Sports Interactive je objavio novi patch za Football Manager 2019 Beta i FM Touch 2019 Beta. Patch je dostupan svima koji su prednaručili igru te time dobili pristup beta verziji igre.
Ovaj update popravlja probleme sa stabilnošću igre te ostale bugove prijavljene od strane korisnika u FM19 Beta verziji 19.0.3.
Konkretno, radi se o sljedećim ispravcima:
- Various stability fixes
- Match spectating is back
- Fixed various VAR issues
- Match Injuries toned down to expected levels
- Increased Penalty Conversion
- Fixed line-ups panel getting stuck on goalkeeper on Macs
- Improvements to opposition instructions
- Resolved a couple of issues related to players on loan
- Resolved issue where clubs transfer budget was incorrectly reduced
- Fixed Danish Superliga not scheduling in future seasons due to Relegation Stage problems
- Tweaks and fixes to how fatigue is calculated
- Fixed display issues indicating players weren’t training or progressing correctly
- Fixed various unhappiness and interaction issues
- Balancing work regarding the sacking of managers
- Various Match Engine improvements
- Fixed various UI issues
- Addressed various additional issues
- Some data changes
Kako biste izvršili update zatvorite Football Manager 2019 (ili Football Manager Touch 2019), nakon toga zatvorite Steam te ga ponovno pokrenite. Ako nakon ponovnog pokretanja Steama ne počne update, idite na Library (unutar Steam aplikacije), zatim desni klik na Football Manager 2019 (ili Touch) -> Properties -> tab Local -> Verify Integrity of Game Cache.